Financial Aid
LIM online, on-campus, and extension students enrolling in 6 or more credit hours per semester are eligible for federal student financial aid as well as private student loans. For further information about federal aid for graduate students, please visit the PLUS Loan program page.
Students are also encouraged to seek out private scholarships, such as ones available through professional ministerial organizations of which they are a member, such as the National Association of Pastoral Musicians, and which offer member scholarships. Visit the Student Financial Services page for more information on aid, your bill, and payments.
U.S. students may be eligible for a Lifetime Learning Tax Credit. This tax credit was designed to help students acquire or improve job skills. Part-time students may apply. This is a tax credit equal to 20 percent of the first $5,000 of qualifying tuition paid or $1,000 maximum per family. Consult your tax advisor for complete details.
Loyola Institute for Ministry (LIM) Scholarships
Thanks to the generous support of our donors, particularly Joe and Kelly George, the families of Dr. Betty Montgomery and Ingrid Lilly Frohlich Burns, and the Mary Family Foundation, the LIM offers several scholarships.
Active Ministry Scholarship»
The Loyola Institute for Ministry is committed to supporting students pursuing graduate degrees in pastoral studies and religious education. Recognizing that finances can be a barrier to those called to pursue advanced degrees, LIM has a limited number of partial scholarships ranging from $200-500 dollars per semester available to graduate students working full-time in ministry, either on a paid or volunteer basis and taking a minimum of three LIM courses per year, and enrolled in a LIM program requiring 12 or more credit hours for completion.
A brief essay of 500 words should explain your work in ministry. Please have this file ready to upload before you begin the application.
Students can apply for a scholarship at any time, but must have a completed application and be admitted into a LIM graduate program to be considered for a scholarship award. In the current academic year, which runs from the fall semester through the summer semester, apply by August 5 to be eligible for an award for the fall semester, by December 5 to be eligible for an award for the spring semester, by May 5 to be eligible for an award for the summer semester.
Apply here»
Graduate Assistant Scholarship»
Each academic year, LIM awards one full-tuition graduate assistant scholarship for an on-campus in New Orleans or fully online student in either the Master of Pastoral Studies or Master of Religious Education degree program. The scholarship recipient would be responsible for university fees and working up to 5 hours a week as a graduate assistant. For more information, please contact LIM Director Tracey Lamont, Ph.D., at
Apply here»
Needs-Based Scholarship»
The Loyola Institute for Ministry is committed to supporting students pursuing graduate degrees in pastoral studies and religious education. Recognizing that finances can be a barrier to those called to pursue advanced degrees, LIM has a limited number of partial scholarships ranging from $200-500 dollars per semester available to graduate students working full-time in ministry, either on a paid or volunteer basis and taking a minimum of three LIM courses per year, and enrolled in a LIM program requiring 12 or more credit hours for completion.
Awards are based on financial need, which is demonstrated by completing an application that requires a Statement of Need to be uploaded with the application. The Statement of Need should be a single-spaced, 500-word document or PDF file. It must describe the financial circumstances you are experiencing that necessitate scholarship aid. Please have this file ready to upload before you begin the application.
Students can apply for a scholarship at any time, but must have a completed application and be admitted into a LIM graduate program to be considered for a scholarship award. In the current academic year, which runs from the fall semester through the summer semester, apply by August 5 to be eligible for an award for the fall semester, by December 5 to be eligible for an award for the spring semester, by May 5 to be eligible for an award for the summer semester.
Apply here»
Jesuit Volunteer Corps Graduate Assistant Scholarship»
Each academic year, LIM awards one full-tuition graduate assistant scholarship for an eligible FJV to pursue, on-campus in New Orleans, or fully online, the degree of Master of Pastoral Studies or Master of Religious Education. The scholarship recipient would be responsible for university fees and working up to 5 hours a week as a graduate assistant. For questions or to apply for the FJV scholarship, please contact LIM Director, Tracey Lamont, Ph.D. at
Apply here»
Alumni Referral Scholarship»
Alumnae and alumni of the Loyola Institute for Ministry are invited to refer new graduate or undergraduate LIM applicants to receive a one-time $500 scholarship.
How It Works
An alum identifies potential candidates for a LIM undergraduate or graduate degree or certificate and makes sure it’s ok with them for you to submit their name and email address as part of your referral.
The alum completes this form for each person.
LIM will contact the alum's referrals and invite them to apply.
LIM will continue to alert the referral about LIM Open Houses and other LIM events, and they can always request to be removed from our contact list.
Fine Print
Anyone who has completed a LIM graduate or undergraduate degree or certificate, including CEU graduates, may refer someone for this scholarship.
There is no limit to the number of people you may refer.
Applicants for LIM undergraduate or graduate degrees or certificates who have not previously taken LIM courses are eligible to receive the scholarship. Applicants for CEU credentials are not eligible.
This scholarship may not be combined with any other one-time LIM scholarships.
The scholarship is a one-time $500 scholarship for a student who enrolls in a course in the 2022 calendar year.
The scholarship will be credited to the accounts of eligible recipients who continue to be enrolled after the fifth complete week of the term.
Gerald M. Fagin, SJ, Scholarship»
In recognition of outstanding academic achievement and commitment to Jesuit values, LIM awards annually the Gerald M. Fagin, SJ, Scholarship to two students to honor the legacy of former Loyola Institute for Ministry faculty member Fr. Jerry Fagin, SJ. Scholarship recipients must be working full-time in ministry either on a paid or volunteer basis and enroll in at least 3 LIM courses per year. For the purpose of this scholarship, ministry is defined as a position at a church, teacher in a Catholic school, and/or in a church-based organization.
Graduate students who have completed 18 credit hours toward their master’s degree and who currently have a GPA of 3.5 or higher may apply for this scholarship which awards up to $500 per course for the remainder of the student's courses. The deadline for applications is May 19, and the recipients will be announced the following August.
The application consists of an online form and an essay. The essay should be double-spaced and not longer than 2 pages (approx. 500 words) and should be a Word or PDF document. Please have this file ready to upload before you begin the application. You must be logged into your Loyola-sponsored Gmail account in order to upload your file. Apply here»
In your essay, please describe your understanding of and commitment to Ignatian spirituality such as its practices of prayer, discernment, finding God in all things, and your commitment to service rooted in justice and love. How has your practice of Ignatian spirituality impacted your life and ministry in practical concrete ways?
To learn more about the life and legacy of Fr. Gerald Fagin, or donate to this scholarship fund, please go here»
Haciendo Caminos Fellowship
As part of the Haciendo Caminos initiative, LIM is offering a limited number of fellowships for up to $23,000 to Hispanic Catholics to support their pursuit of graduate theological and pastoral ministries education to form pastoral leaders for parishes and communities throughout the United States. Fellowships would cover the cost of tuition with additional funds to cover other academic needs.
Eligibility Requirements»
Priority is given to nominations for students who, full time or part-time, can complete their degrees by the end of summer 2027.
- Hispanic or Latina/o born or reared in the U.S.
- young adult between the ages of 18–39
- Roman Catholic
- admitted to the Master of Pastoral Studies or Master of Religious Education program
- demonstrated capacity to engage in pastoral theological education and to employ that education in pastoral leadership roles, particularly within the Hispanic or Latina/o communities
- demonstrated financial need
Currently enrolled students are eligible to receive fellowship support.
Application Process»
To be nominated for a Haciendo Caminos Fellowship, a person must be admitted into LIM’s Master of Pastoral Studies or Master of Religious Education degree program and must complete the Fellowship application form. LIM will then nominate the candidate to the national Haciendo Caminos steering committee Once the nomination is received, the Haciendo Caminos steering committee evaluates the nomination and the program director communicates a decision within 2-3 weeks.
If a Fellowship is awarded, Loyola University New Orleans will establish the student's payout schedule for a given year and will communicate how the recipient must account for the use of fellowship funds.
To apply for a Haciendo Caminos Fellowship, please complete this form.